Sprichwörter und Redewendungen zum Thema Herz

Redewendungen und Sprüche in der deutschen Sprache

  • Etwas auf dem Herzen haben.
  • Sich etwas zu Herzen nehmen.
  • Seinem Herzen einen Stoß geben.
  • Sein Herz ausschütten.
  • Aus seinem Herzen keine Mördergrube machen.
  • Das Herz auf der Zunge haben.
  • Das Herz ist ihm in die Hose gerutscht.
  • Das Herz läuft ihm mit dem Kopf davon.
  • Wes das Herz voll ist, des geht der Mund.
  • Ein Herz und eine Seele.
  • Das Herz ist stärker als der Kopf.
  • Was nicht von Herzen kommt, das geht nicht zu Herzen.
  • Jemandem aus dem Herzen sprechen.
  • Es bricht mir das Herz.
  • Das spricht mir aus dem Herzen.
  • Das Herz am rechten Fleck haben.
  • Sich ein Herz fassen.
  • Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut.

Redewendungen in der englischen und französichen Sprache

Bleeding heart

  • If you refer to someone as a bleeding heart, you are criticizing them for being too sympathetic towards people who claim to be poor or suffering, either because you think the people do not deserve sympathy, or because you think that the person you are criticizing is not sincere. Compare your heart bleeds for someone.
  • I know how the lawmakers and the judges and the bleeding hearts screw things up for the police. Hell, I've been a cop as long as you have.
  • You can also say that someone has a bleeding heart.
  • You need neither a bleeding heart nor a blindness to horrors elsewhere to ask what more should be done to stop the war in former Yugoslavia.

Broken heart

  • If someone breaks your heart, they make you feel extremely upset and unhappy, because they end a love affair or close relationship with you.
  • When he left his wife for me I was appalled. What Id wanted was a good time, but in the end I broke his heart.
  • You can also say that someone has a broken heart when they feel very sad because a love affair or close relationship has ended.
  • We have all read in fiction of people dying of a broken heart, but in reality this seems close to the truth, with the death rate among newlybereaved spouses several times higher than that of non- bereaved people of a similar age.
  • You can also say that someone is heartbroken or is broken-hearted.
  • Mary is broken-hearted and has spent many nights crying.

Break your heart

  • You can say that something breaks your heart when the fact that it is happening makes you feel sad and depressed, because you believe that it is bad or wrong.
  • Walker John Rich is sad that he has been barred from paths he has used for 50 years. 'It breaks my heart to think we could lose our rights.'

Close to your heart, dear to your heart, near and dear to your heart

  • If you describe a subject as close to your heart or dear to your heart, you mean that it is very important to you and that you are concerned about it or interested in it.
  • For presenter Manjeet K. Sandhu the position of Asian women in society is an issue very close to her heart.
  • The WBC treads a fine line between trying to make money and trying to support the things dear to the heart of the Left.
  • In American English, you can also say that a subject is near and dear to your heart.

  • She has impressed Senators with her knowledge of subjects near and dear to their hearts, and with her political acumen.

Cross my heart

  • You can say 'cross my heart' when you want to assure someone that you are telling the truth. This expression is used in spoken English, mainly by children.
  • And I won't tell any of the other girls anything you tell me about it. I promise, cross my heart.
  • Cross my heart and hope to die means the same.
  • Sam grinned and held out his hand toward her. 'You don't have to worry, okay.' 'Are you sure? Erin asked. 'Cross my heart and hope to die.'

Cry your heart out, work your heart out

  • If you cry your heart out or work your heart out, for example, you cry a great deal or work very hard. You can use this expression with other verbs instead of 'cry' or ' work' when you want to say that someone does something with great enthusiasm or to a great extent.
  • I threw myself on to the bed and cried my heart out. It took me a good while to get over the emotional damage of that encounter.
  • Everyone danced their hearts out.

Eat your heart out

  • When you want to draw attention to something you have done, you can say 'eat your heart out' and mention the name of a person who is famoug for doing the same kind of thing.
  • In these examples, Nigel Mansell is a British racing driver, and Marcel Proust was a French novelist.

From the bottom of your heart, at the bottom of your heart

  • If you say that you mean something from the bottom of your heart, you are saying that you mean it very sincerely.
  • I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. So many people have helped me.
  • It was an apology from the bottom of my heart and I hope that the rest of the nation will accept it from me.
  • You can also talk about the feelings that someone has at the bottom of their heart.
  • At the bottom of our hearts we still believe you can have anything you want if you need it badly enough and if you are prepared to slog your way through the barriers to get it.

Heart of gold

  • If you say that someone has a heart of gold, you mean they are kind and generous, and enjoy helping other people.
  • He is a tough guy, but with a heart of gold.
  • He helped all the local sporting organisations bowls, hockey, rugby and tennis. He had a heart of gold.

In your heart of hearts

  • If you say that you believe, know, or feel something in your heart of hearts, you mean that you believe, know, or feel that it is true, even though you are very reluctant to accept it.
  • I suppose in his heart of hearts, he doesn't believe he's doing it.
  • But in your heart of hearts, you must know that you're not going to save some of these children?

Lose heart

  • If you lose heart, you start to feel discour aged or to lose interest in something, usually because things are not progressing in the way that you hoped.
  • I suppose I'm less optimistic than I was at first. This disease seems to recur so often you begin to lose heart.

Lose your heart

  • If you lose your heart to someone, you fall in love with them. This is a literary expression.
  • She falls in love with Raul, who in turn has lost his heart to Silvia.
  • Don't lose your heart to him too soon because he could just be filling in time with you.

Open your heart, pour out your heart

  • If you open your heart or pour out your heart to someone, you tell them your most private thoughts or feelings.
  • A vicar has opened his heart to parishioners and admitted his marriage is on the rocks.
  • Chris Eubank last night opened his heart for the first time about the tragedy. She poured her heart out about her separation and pending divorce.

Set your heart on something

  • If you set your heart on something, you decide that you want it very much and aim to achieve or obtain it.
  • She decided not to try for university. Instead she set her heart on a career in catering.
  • She admits that when she saw the flat Jeremy had set his heart on, her first reaction was horror. 'I couldn't believe Jeremy was serious about buying this place.'

Take something to heart

  • If you take someone's advice or criticism to heart, you pay a lot of attention to it, and are greatly influenced or upset by it.
  • Few people take this advice to heart, and their continuing overweight and resultant diabetes place them at signiftcantly increased risk of heart disease.
  • He could have taken this criticism to heart since he built his reputation on being a good manager.

Wear your heart on your sleeve

  • If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you allow your feelings to be obvious to everyone around you.
  • She simply doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve so it's sometimes difficult to know what she's feeling.

Your heart bleeds for someone

  • If you say that your heart bleeds for some one, you mean that you feel a lot of sympathy for them because they are suffering. Compare a bleeding heart.
  • You looked so sad when you walked up the aisle at the funeral. My heart bled for you when I watched it,
  • This expression is often used ironically to show that you think someone does not deserve any sympathy, because you do not believe that they are genuinely suffering.
  • I must say my heart bleeds for the poor BT share issue investors who made a mere 15 per cent on their investment in one day,
  • My heart bleeds for those MPs who want a cut in hours because they say overwork puts their marriages at risk.

Your heart hardens, harden your heart

  • If your heart hardens against someone or something, you start to feel unfriendly or unsympathetic towards them. If you harden your heart against them, you force yourself to feel this way, even if you do not want to.
  • All of a sudden my heart hardened against my beautiful mother and her desire for fun and a rich, handsome husband. I wouldn't speak to her any more.

Your heart is in the right place

  • If you say that someone's heart is in the right place, you mean that they are kind, considerate, and generous, although they may lack other qualities which you consider to be important,
  • Whether Johnson's professional judgement was good or not, I decided that his heart was in the right place.

Your heart is in your mouth

  • If you say that your heart is in your mouth, you mean that you feel extremely anxious or nervous, because you think something unpleasant or unfortunate may be about to happen.
  • My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her office. 'Wait!' a rough voice commanded. Nancy stopped, then turned, her heart in her mouth.

Your heart isn't in something

  • If you are doing something that you are enthusiastic about and which you are not joying, you can say that your heart isn't it.


Französische Redewendungen

  • quelqu'un(e) a le coeur en fête
    jemandem lacht das Herz im Leibe

  • quelqu'un(e) a le coeur sur les lêvres
    jemand hat das Herz auf der Zunge;

  • quelqu'un(e) a le coeur sur la main
    jemand ist sehr großzügig/freigebig;

  • quelqu'un(e) a mal au coeur
    jemandem ist schlecht;

  • quelqu'un(e) a un  coeur d'or
    jemand hat ein Herz aus Gold;

  • quelqu'un(e) a le coeur à l'ouvrage
    jemand arbeitet mit Lust und Liebe

  • quelqu'un(e) donne du coeur à louvrage
    jemand ist mit Leib und Seele bei der Sache;
    jemand gibt einem anderen Autrieb;

  • quelqu'un(e) a un coeur de pierre
    jemand hat ein Herz aus Stein;

  • le coeur a ses reasonsque que la raison ignore
    Herz und Verstand gehen nicht in einer Hand;

  • quelque chose donne du coeur au ventre
    etwas macht Mut;

  • à votre bon coeuer!
    eine kleine Spende!

  • quelqu'un(e) fait quelque chose de bon coer
    jemand tut etwas von Herzen gern;

  • quelqu'un(e) a le coeur gros, quelqu'un(e) a le coeur lourd
    jemandem Ist das Herz schwer, jemandem ist schwer ums Herz;

  • haut les coeur!
    Kopf hoch!

  • a coeur ouvert tout (son)
    von ganzem Herzen;

  • à coeur ouvert
    frei von der Leber weg ;

  • quelqu'un(e) a du coeur
    jemand hat ein gutes Herz;

  • à coeur vaillant, rien d'impossible
    dem Mutigen gehört die Welt;

  • quelqu'un(e) n'a pas le coeur de faire quelque chose
    jemand hat nicht das Herz, etwas zu tun;

  • quelqu'un(e) n'a pas/ plus le coeur de faire quelque chose
    jemand hat keine Lust/ keine Lust mehr, etw zu tun;

  • quelqu'un(e) na pas le coeur à rire
    jemand ist nicht nach Lachen zumute;

  • quelqu'un(e) n'a pas/plus le coeur à quelque quose
    jemand hat zu etwas (Dativ) keine Lust/ keine Lust mehr;

  • quelqu'un(e) a à coeur de faire quelque chose
    jemandem liegt sehr viel an daran, etwas zu tun;

  • quelqu'un(e) a quelque chose sur le coeur
    jemand hat etwas auf dem Herzen;

  • quelqu'un(e)/ quelque chose brise lecoeur à quelqu'un(e)
    jemand/ etwas bricht jemandem das Herz;

  • si le coeur lui (en) dit
    wenn er/sie Lust (dazu) hat;

  • quelqu'un(e) écoute son coeur
    jemand folgt seinem Herzen, jemand hört auf sein Herz;

  • il l'a fait, mais le coeur ny etait pas
    er hat es getan, aber nur mit halbem Herzen;

  • quelqu'un(e) est de tout coeur avec quelqu'un(e)
    jemand ist in Gedanken ganz bei jemandem;

  • quelqu'un(e)/ quelque chose fait battre le coeur à quelqu'un(e)
    jemand/etwas läßt jemandes Herz höher schlagen;

  • quelqu'un(e)/ quelque chose  fend le coeur à quelqu'un(e)
    jemand/ etwas bricht jemandem das Herz;

  • quelqu'un(e)/ quelque chose gagne les coeurs
    jemand/ etwas gewinnt die Herzen;

  • le coeur manque à quelqu'un(e) (de faire quelque chose)
    jemand bringt es nicht übers Herz, (etwas zu tun);

  • quelqu'un(e) offre son coeur à quelqu'un(e)
    jemand schenkt jemandem sein Herz;

  • quelqu'un(e) ouvre son coeur à quelqu'un(e)
    jemand schüttet jemandem sein Herz aus;

  • quelqu'un(e)/ quelque chose perce le coeur à quelqu'un(e)
    jemand/etwas bricht jemandem das Herz;

  • quelqu'un(e) ne porte pas quelqu'un(e) dans son coeur
    jemand hat jemanden nicht gerade ins Herz geschlossen;

  • quelqu'un(e) prend quelque chose à coeur
    jemand nimmt sich etwas zu Herzen;

  • quelqu'un(e) prend à coeur de faire quelque chose
    jemand läßt es sich angelegen sein, etw zu tun;

  • cela me réchauffe le coeur
    dabei wird mir warm ums Herz;

  • quelque chose reste sur le coeur à quelqu'un
    etwas drückt jemandem auf die Seele;

  • quelqu'un(e) a le coeur qui saigne
    jemandem blutet das Herz;

  • quelqu'un(e)/ quelque chose serre le coeur à quelqu'un(e)
    jemand/ etwas ergreift jemandes Herz;

  • quelque chose sort du coeur
    etwas kommt von Herzen;

  • coeur qui soupire n'a pas ce qu'il désire
    ,ja. ja, man hat´s nicht leicht;

  • quelque chose lui tient à coeur
    etwas liegt jemandem sehr am Herzen;

  • iI lui tient à coeur de faire quelque chose
    etwas liegt jemandem sehr am Herzen, etwas zu tun;

  • quelqu'un(e) a le coeur qui tourne
    jemandem dreht es den Magen um;

  • quelque chose va au coeur de quelqu'un(e)
    etwas geht jemandem zu Herzen;

  • quelqu'une va au coeur de quelqu'un(e)
    jemand bewegt jemandes Herz;

  • quelque chose vient du coeur
    etwas kommt von Herzen;

  • ils sont encore coeur à coeur
    sie sind noch ein Herz und eine Seele;

  • gentil(le) comme un coeur
    sehr nett;

  • par coeur apprendre/ connaitre
    auswendig lernen/wissen;

  • sans coeur

  • mon (petit) coeur
    mein (kleiner) Liebling, mein Herz

